When talking to people about entrepreneurship in the network marketing industry and as an independent startup, the number one question is always about how and how much cash flow can be relied on. These questions are very valid! I am aware that bills don't pay themselves and creditors do not accept excuses or allow extensions while you're trying to figure things out.
I am an entrepreneur in the network marketing arena and in the start-up arena as well. There are three basic and very important skills that an individual needs to be aware of before making the journey to entrepreneurship and making the commission decision. Most Americans have an employee/guaranteed paycheck mindset, and due to the "commission" nature of entrepreneurship, you'll need to develop these skills to survive!
Coachability: You must be coachable. If you are a start-up entrepreneur, you will NEED a mentor. Read books, hire a coach, and focus on personal development. The more willing you are to learn and deflect to wise counsel, the better off you are in the long run. You will be able to learn without the critical mistakes that most entrepreneurs have made.
System: Follow a proven system! If you are a network marketing entrepreneur, FOLLOW THE SYSTEM THAT YOUR UPLINE TEACHES YOU! This will ensure that you can maximize your chances of having the same results that top earners in the company have achieved. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Just implement the skills that you are learning from your mentor.
Effort: Do you put in the same effort when you're alone that you do when you're around others? I have to be honest here. I truly believe that the issue with the commission decision is hat most people don't work their hardest when no-one is looking! I believe that we have come to a place where individuals are goofing off and doing just the minimum for a guaranteed paycheck! As an entrepreneur, you will need to work harder than you've ever worked.You will need to be accountable to yourself and your family as well as your upline (if you're a network marketing entrepreneur).
If for any reason you can not master or practice these skills, you are set for a truly bumpy experience! Challenge yourself more so that when you step out into the market, you are ready for the chllenges that are sure to come!
This blog is about creating your own economic stability through entrepreneurship and small business ownership! Everybody has talents and passions that can be turned into profits. Prosperity is the condition of being successful and thriving in the economy while a Legacy is a gift by will of money or property handed down through generations! Let's create legacies of prosperity together!