Sunday, December 27, 2015

Smart Money: What is life insurance?

When it comes to life insurance, there is a lot of misinformation and lack of education. There are 5 types of life insurance available on the market: term, whole live, universal life, variable universal life (I do not offer this product.), and indexed universal life. Term is the cheapest, but it expires after a certain period and you may be left without coverage or your coverage premium spikes. Whole doesn't build as much cash value, but these are the two most people know about. Variable is invested in the stock market and if you die at the wrong time, you could have less than your face amount to leave behind. Universal life builds at a set percentage, and indexed builds at a percentage based on the market. Of course if you just need coverage, you should find an agent who is honest and willing to share all of this with you so you can plan accordingly. I would love it if people did pay their policies for the year at tax time.

When I meet with potential clients, I start by completing a financial analysis. This is a very important tool when deciding which of these products best fits their current needs and their goals.

I use the DIME theory of insurance.
  • Debt - how much consumer debt do you have? This can be covered with a term insurance policy.
  • Income - how much income needs to be replaced for 8-12 years? This  needs to be covered with a permanent insurance policy.
  • Mortgage - how many years and how much remains on your mortgage? This can be covered with a term insurance policy.
  • Education -  how many children do you need to fund through college if you pass away before they get there? This can be covered with a term insurance policy.
Some people are firmly set against life insurance, and of course it's their right to choose one way or the other, but we readily insure cars, phones, homes, apartments and all kinds of material possessions without regard for the vehicle that we use to make the money to make these payments: our bodies/lives. If an individual has other means to replace their income, pay off their home, settle all their debts, pay for their children to maintain life and attend college after they are gone, and have their money work for them, I applaud them! The benefit, in my opinion, of investing with life insurance is that it gives you protection on your life while making you money at the same time. It's a great place to start your investment plan!

Life insurance is a contract that you purchase from an insurance agency that allows them to invest your money for a certain period of time. In exchange, the agency promises to pay your beneficiary upon your death and to pay you interest along with payments for any other provisions specified (disability income, long term care, children's insurance, etc) for a specified amount of time and money. Term contracts do not offer cash value accumulation. You can pay for your contract in small increments or in a lump sum.When you die, the company will then pay your beneficiaries your contract. This is how and why wealthy people (white or black or other) pass down wealth to their families. You don't pay $250k for a $250k contract, you only pay $26,520.95 and you own it. These are the things that more people need to be aware of! Let's kill the stigma around life insurance by becoming educated about how to use it and protect ourselves and our families while we can!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Smart Money: How to Invest your Income Tax Refund

2016 is fast approaching which means income tax season is coming! If you are like many Americans who receive an income tax refund, you have already estimated your refund and you're anxiously awaiting W-2s! So while you are mapping out what you could potentially do with your refund (if you get one), make sure you prioritize. Put the most important things FIRST: life after tax season! There are several things you can do to maximize the use of your refund and position yourself for life after refund. Including (not limited to):

  • invest in bonds
  • invest in stocks
  • pay your current bills up for 6 months
  • buy & pay up your life/health insurance for a year or two
  • start a business
  • DO NOT buy or finance a vehicle, jewelry, anything from Aarons, Rent-a-Center, etc!
Let's focus on two options: business and insurance. In 2013, I received an income tax refund of $1,118 and started my natural product line. I invested those funds to start a business that I was passionate about without going into debt. Another great option is life insurance. Life insurance is a great investment tool to have in your portfolio (not term or whole life). When you receive your income tax refund, pay it up for year or two! No new "bills," and your life is covered!

Let's take a look at some numbers for me. I am a 25 year old female, no tobacco usage, with no medical issues, and I have not been prescribed any medications in several years (since a bad stomach flu in 2012). I also have a four year old son that I want to protect. Here are a few options available to cover me and my son for a year (these numbers are for 12/17/2015):

Smart UL $250,000: $1,275.31
20 Year Term: $484.60

Elite Index II $250,000: $817.60
20 Year Term $250,000: $186.50

Mutual of Omaha
Guaranteed UL $250,000: $$1,144
20 Year Term $250,000: $452

These are just a few options that I have available. Keep in mind that permanent insurance is customizable, and the right agent will customize a protection plan that fits your needs and your budget. Stay tuned for more information about how to customize your life insurance to fit your needs and your budget. Be blessed!

~Shanta Wilkerson

Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is your #HustleWhy?

Everybody has a reason that they work as hard as they do, hustle. You may hustle for your family, your friends, your name, security, stability, growth, or to live the fullest life possible. Whatever your hustle why is, let it be ever changing. Your hustle why needs to be something that takes on roots in your life and evolves as you evolve. Your hustle why is a goal that you seek to achieve, and once it's done, set a new goal. Never become stagnant. Never become complacent. Never allow yourself to be haughty or unappreciative of the people that helped you reach that hustle why.

We as business owners have a responsibility to be innovative, successful, strong, and determined to achieve our vision. Without the innovation and stick-to-itness of entrepreneurs, there would be nothing. We'd still be living in caves, and walking around naked! Now that second part sounds great since I hate doing laundry, but I do enjoy the modern comforts of central heat and air and cooking on the stove top.

So, tell me, what is your most recent #hustlewhy? Let's start a conversation and you can tell me what makes you hustle the way you do. One of mine is my son, and he is definitely growing, changing, and putting down roots in my life every day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tidbits by Tay: The "Patti Pie"

This post was originally posted on my personal Facebook page, but I felt that it was necessary to share here as well!

Congratulations Ms. Pattie! Your pies are sold out of nearly every Wal-Mart in America, and you were able to pull in $2.5 million in sales revenue from your venture in one weekend (roughly $104,667 an hour)! People went out in droves to support you and buy a pie they can make themselves or eat for free in a few weeks. The majority of people buying these pies were African Americans, and I commend each of you for supporting her pie venture.

Now I have three challenges for you all: 1) While the cost of a sweet potato pie is not the same as the cost of a handcrafted Blessed Body Brand bar of soap (shameless plug here), find a local minority artisan to support with your dollars. (If you can't find one, I can help with that.) 2) Again, while the cost of life insurance is higher than the cost of a sweet potato pie, why not buy some coverage even if it's just enough to bury you with dignity so your family isn't selling fish plates? I'm sure most of you that bought pies bought (& ate) more than one. Let's see if you qualify for at least $25,000 before you "catch the suga" and can't get anything at all! (I offer this service too.) 3) Take note of this event, and realize that while you may not agree with the "hoteps" or the "sheep" on anything else, we can all agree that the "black dollar" has power in America & we fail to leverage it by our own divisive actions!

While this post is mainly discussing small businesses run by African Americans, we should also support small businesses run by and/or founded by other minorities in America as well. We each stand to gain so much by supporting each other. Buy at least one item for each room in your house from a small business rugs, wall art, bath products, hair care products, food, dishes, etc. Minorities are represented and under-supported in every industry in America! You as a consumer just have to take the time to support them. There are multiple minority supported Facebook groups, such as the Buy Black Friday - Online Market. You will find minority owned businesses representing quality products and services in a multitude of industries! Just head over and request entry! You'll be glad you did.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that I'd allowed 3 months to pass by with out posting to my blog! What on Earth was I doing? Well, I'll let you know exactly what I was doing: building my knowledge of Finance! In the past three months, I've spent countless hours going back over what I learned in college and putting it with what I am experiencing in the field, and I have to say that I've learned so much since I became a licensed life, health, & annuities agent than I ever did in a classroom!

When I go out and talk to people, I get the opportunity to see real world scenarios (not the simplified examples that we get in textbooks!). I have the opportunity to see in real time what the stock market has done, is doing, and will do to the retirement plan for the working class (401(k)), and I see the inequality in financial services that the middle class and lower income Americans receive EVERY DAY!

The systems in place are being re-written by a select few companies, and I am thankful that I partnered with one of them! I'll be talking a lot more about finance and many of the different ways to make your financial goals a reality! STAY TUNED!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Entrepreneurship: The Commission Decison

When talking to people about entrepreneurship in the network marketing industry and as an independent startup, the number one question is always about how and how much cash flow can be relied on. These questions are very valid! I am aware that bills don't pay themselves and creditors do not accept excuses or allow extensions while you're trying to figure things out.

I am an entrepreneur in the network marketing arena and in the start-up arena as well. There are three basic and very important skills that an individual needs to be aware of before making the journey to entrepreneurship and making the commission decision. Most Americans have an employee/guaranteed paycheck mindset, and due to the "commission" nature of entrepreneurship, you'll need to develop these skills to survive!

Coachability: You must be coachable. If you are a start-up entrepreneur, you will NEED a mentor. Read books, hire a coach, and focus on personal development. The more willing you are to learn and deflect to wise counsel, the better off you are in the long run. You will be able to learn without the critical mistakes that most entrepreneurs have made.

System: Follow a proven system! If you are a network marketing entrepreneur, FOLLOW THE SYSTEM THAT YOUR UPLINE TEACHES YOU! This will ensure that you can maximize your chances of having the same results that top earners in the company have achieved. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Just implement the skills that you are learning from your mentor.

Effort: Do you put in the same effort when you're alone that you do when you're around others? I have to be honest here. I truly believe that the issue with the commission decision is hat most people don't work their hardest when no-one is looking! I believe that we have come to a place where individuals are goofing off and doing just the minimum for a guaranteed paycheck! As an entrepreneur, you will need to work harder than you've ever worked.You will need to be accountable to yourself and your family as well as your upline (if you're a network marketing entrepreneur).

If for any reason you can not master or practice these skills, you are set for a truly bumpy experience! Challenge yourself more so that when you step out into the market, you are ready for the chllenges that are sure to come!


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Reaper Effect

What happens when a person dies? Their families lose everything they've ever worked for and move to an apartment a few blocks away from the projects, the children leave their home, their school, and their friends, and the remaining parent or caregiver struggles to make ends meet while the child struggles to cope with the loss of a parent and making new friends!

Wouldn't it be terrible if that was the grim reaper effect? Total loss? For far too long people have lived this reality and families have gone without proper protection from the reaper, and this has to stop! With the growing rate of single parent homes, we need to be educated on how to properly plan for our futures so that our children can grieve us properly! Death is inevitable, but it doesn't have to effect our children's lives any more than our loss already does.

Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about life insurance: dispelling the rumors, educating the masses, and how to get people the coverage they need on their budget! Let's change the reaper effect from total loss to plain grief. You can rebound from both, but loss lasts much longer!

As a single mother, this information truly changed my perspective on some things! Now I can truly say that my son will be financially established if I pass away.  Let's start the talk about insurance! Let's not stop until everyone has the coverage that they need!


Sunday, July 19, 2015

My Take: The Natural Hair Debate

I am personally natural and have been for over 10 years, but when I made the decision it was frowned upon! People that I love told me that I looked "thrown away" with my curly tresses or that I "needed to do my hair." Now that it has become popular and is often a trending hash tag (#teamnatural #curlyhairdontcare etc) people are more accepting of it; however, it is still not accepted as a lifestyle change, and many people do it for what I consider the "wrong reasons."

My reasons for going natural...
  1. To make sure that my hair was healthy.
  2. As I traveled on this journey, it was also a step to embracing myself in my rawest form.
Other people's reason for going natural...
  1. "I wanted hair like Joan Clayton from Girlfirends (Tracee Ellis Ross)."
  2. "I wanted hair like Freddie on A Different World (Cree Summers)"
  3. "I had 'good hair' when I was a little girl before they permed it!"
When people go natural for any other reasons than healthy hair and lifestyle changes, it usually ends badly. Natural hair is AMAZING, but it does require work! If you don't moisturize, wear protective styles, comb from the ends (if you comb at all), and keep it moisturized (LOL), it's very difficult to manage! Then this happens...

  1. "I can't walk around with no nappy hair on my head like that!"
  2. "I tried that natural thing, and it was not for me! Those naps were too hard to deal with!"
  3. "Girl, you DO NOT want to do that! That nappy hair is not where it's at!"
  4. "If you do that, you can't get a good job!"
  5. "If you wear your hair like that, you'll look too ethnic!"
  6. "Mh mh, what is that? A bird's nest? Oh, a twist out... Mh, ok..."
Natural hair comes in many different styles!! The curly waves, ringlets, tight coils, loose coils, and the KINKY! Whatever kind of natural hair you have growing out of your scalp, be proud of it and who you are! If you get braids, wigs, extensions, relaxers, etc, be confident in your decision and don't put down another woman for choosing not to. If you choose to wear your hair in its natural state (curls, locs, shaved, etc), don't down other women who choose not to. Let's remember to support and uplift one another as sisters, NOT COMPETITION! After all, we are not defined by our hair but by the spirit in which we interact with our fellow sisters!

3rd big chop


Monday, July 13, 2015

How to start in business: LLC or Network Marketing

Let's talk business. There are many firms in the marketplace and in every industry that claim to be "just right" for you and everyone else, but if you are a business man or woman, you are very specific about what you are looking for in business and what you want to do. When it comes to starting a business from scratch, consider the following:
  1. You are on your own. No one is there to help you figure things out. You are likely pioneering this business.
  2. You accept all risk of failure or success. There is likely no system in place and every thing rests on your own actions. You are only accountable to yourself.
Of course it's not that simple, but these are two truths that I have found to be very relevant over the last six months. In a network marketing company, there are many other benefits Let's take a look at two I found in PHP.
  1. I have a team. My marketing director and business partners all have my best interest at heart. They keep me focused on the system so that I can be successful.
  2. I am accountable to others. My team keeps me honest! I can't waffle no matter what legitimate excuses come up in my personal life.
 Another thing to consider is that most network marketing firms are proven in their industry unlike an individual start up firm. In my recent Marketing course, we discussed branding. This YouTube video regarding social media marketing was one of the resources used for our last assignment. It may surprise you to know that 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 14% trust advertisements! This is why network marketing, along with social media, are the wave of the future. As we become more "social" and interdependent, person to person recommendations are key to convincing the public that anything is worth their dollars!

Think about your life. I am passionate about healthy finances and healthy skin. Since I was not able to gain experience in the financial arena on my own, I decided to make my own experience. PHP is the vehicle that I am using to make that a reality. It's not for everybody, but there are many network marketing firms in the marketplace that can fit into anyone's passions and feed the need for entrepreneurship! Franchising is still entrepreneurship, and the skills that you learn will help you avoid costly mistakes when you step out on your own. Here are a few lists to get you started doing your research for the Network Marketing firm that fits your passions! I'll be talking more about PHP and why I am passionate about this firm in the coming weeks!

Top 100 Global Direct Selling Companies 2015
Network Marketing Central 


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Morning Glory Olive Oil Soap

Whooooooooooo baby it's HOT out there! It's time for a little cool down for the Summer! Blessed Body Brand will be taking a hiatus until the Fall/Winter season. Once all of my inventory is cleared out, I can begin restocking for the Fall/Winter product line! That means savings for you! From now until I am sold out, all products are 30% off with code VACATION on the Blessed Body Market Etsy shop! This doesn't mean that some (or all) of these products won't come back, but I need to clear the space to create!

Shea Butter Solid Lotion Bars
This sale includes all of our top selling soaps, body butters, lotion bars, and lip balms! The only products not included are custom orders! We will begin accepting custom orders again in the Fall/Winter season. I look forward to continued opportunities to serve you and your family! Please like, share, comment, and tell a friend :) Be blessed!


Sunday, June 7, 2015


 Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the opening of the BBB Quick Shop! This is the place to go for hot deals on quality BBB products! Like COACH and Crazy 8 we have our very own outlet shop!! I'll be posting some great deals there as I go through my inventory throughout the year to declutter and make room for new products! Be sure you save the link and visit frequently! The BBB Quick Shop is open for business!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mompreneurship: How can I find the balance between being a mom and an entrepreneur?

How can I find the balance between being a mom and an entrepreneur?

I ask myself this question on a regular basis, and I could not find the answer! Between running Blessed Body Brand, Prosperity Legacy, LLC, PHP, and another opportunity that is just getting started, I was running out of ideas to keep my child and my ventures in balance! It was getting way out of hand! My son had barely any structure, he was going non-stop because I was going non-stop. In April, when i got my "new" car, I drove over 2,000 miles in less than 3 weeks. he was with me for just about every mile. By the time we got back home, we were both exhausted, but it wasn't until I connected with Soribel Martinez that I realized how much my efforts to build my business were interfering with my efforts as mom!!

I wasn't neglecting my son by any means. He was fed, bathed, hugged & kissed, and told many a bedtime story, but I wasn't talking to him as a person! During my first session with Soribel, she helped me to discover my actual parenting style and how I could become a more active parent. In our next session, we discussed some strategies to implement to begin the process of balancing my businesses with my most important relationship! I'll share a few with you.

  1. Set a schedule and be CONSISTENT!
  2. For every hour of work, spend at least 15 minutes interacting with him.
  3. Create a vision board to help explain why mommy is working and give him his own job to do while I work.
  4. Take better care of myself: relax in a hot tub, paint my nails, talk on the phone, read a book, etc. A cared for mommy is a caring/capable mommy.
  5. Set clearly defined expectations, consequences, and rewards.
I immediately set to work putting these things into place, and although I am still working on being consistent, I can see such a marked improvement in my son's behavior! He loves doing his Morning 4, and he loves talking about our goals! His goals include a Thomas Train table, a big birthday party, and a trip to the GA Aquarium! I had no idea that he had so much input until I actually took the time to sit down with him and talk. Having a conversation with a three-year old is not always fun and giggles. He is such a well rounded individual that I can't help but to be amazed at the way he speaks and what he wants from life at such a young age!

Don't make the mistake of assuming that just because your child is young that they don't have an opinion and they just go with the flow. You will likely find that when you start to include them in the process, they are very receptive to helping and are full of ideas!! I am so excited to spend more time with Sori!! The next class is going to be June 6th, 2015. Sign up for Active Parenting Training for MOMS and learn how you can become a more active and balanced mompreneur!! I am so glad that I did!!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Let's take Blessed Body Brand to the NEXT level!!

The campaign is still LIVE, and you can still contribute! Please help me fund my dreams and become a full-time entrepreneur!

Monday, May 18, 2015


Blessed Body Brand is officially a member of the Etsy community! You can now find your favorite soaps, body butters, and everything else on Etsy!! I decided to take the plunge into Etsy after several months of using the Soap Guild Website. While I have enjoyed my Soap Guild store, the shipping plug in has been very unhelpful! Being forced to ship with UPS was a huge drawback since it is much more expensive than shipping via USPS, and you guys spoke so I listened!!!

 Now when you place your order, you are charged $5.95 for shipping + $0.50 per item that you add to the order. This way you can place your order and pay for shipping altogether. No more separate invoices for shipping charges! I hope that these changes are what you all were looking for and as a thank you for your patience as I worked through these shipping issues, please use code WELCOME for 10% off of $20 or more! I can't wait to write this new chapter with you all!


Sunday, May 3, 2015


Available now! Only $25.

Exactly one week from today, people across America will be celebrating Mother's Day! For most people, this means a card, some candy, and a basket with a teddy bear in it. While this is a perfectly fine option, each of our mothers is unique. Sometimes you should think outside the basket for mom!

I am blessed to have an amazing mother who not only loves me, but is willing to help me push forward with all of my goals and dreams! Without her, I highly doubt that this business would be where it is today! From babysitting to product testing to brainstorming to letting me brood in the lab, she has been a great silent partner over the last 3+ years!

That alone makes me want to give her a unique, thoughtful gift. Whether you are buying a gift for your own mother or for a mother figure in your life, you should consider how much we give as mothers and try to capture a little bit of that love for your mother or mother figure. Feel free to give it back not just on mother's day but EVERY DAY! Moms deserve it!

This year we are celebrating Mother's Day with a special treat: Lavender Love Boxes. These boxes feature 3 handcrafted goodies for mom to pamper herself for weeks to come! It includes one Lavender & Bentonite soap, one Lavender Bath Salt (6 oz), and one Lavender Love Body Butter (5 oz). You can place your order online between now and May 6th for delivery by Mother's Day. This price includes shipping to one address!! Also anything else that you order with your basket will be shipped with no additional shipping charges! Give mom the gift of handmade, and never forget to show her that you love her!


Friday, May 1, 2015

Restaurant Review: Healthy Lifestyle Cuisine

Restaurant Review: Healthy Lifestyle Cuisine

First of all WOW!!!! This place is phenomenal! I went down to Ft. Lauderdale this week to meet with CEO Patrick Bet-David, and one of my business associates has family in the area. They own and operate a health conscious restaurant called Healthy Lifestyle Cuisine. I've been making great strides to eat a healthier diet. Having the information is useless without application! So, I made the decision to eat more fruits and veggies while on the road. I started off doing GREAT! I stopped at Publix and bought fruit and salad instead of eating Burger King (I didn't drive most of the trip, so I got to eat LOL), so I was very pleased when we started talking about visiting my associate's family business!

Her mother and sister are running the show down in Miami Gardens, and if you are in the area, IT IS WORTH THE VISIT!!!! I ordered a Sundried Tomato grilled Tilapia wrap. I had not looked at a menu since my phone was dead, so I didn't know what I ordered LOL I was beyond pleasantly surprised! That wrap was EVERYTHING I ever hoped for!! It was a Sundried Tomato wrap with sauteed peppers and onions with Italian dressing and they were not shy with the fillings!! It also came with a boiled egg and a pickle for $10. Everything was seasoned to perfection, and it was big enough to feed me AND my 3 year old!!! I wish I could have taken pictures, but my phone was dead :(

Later on, I tried a chicken sandwich wrap... EPIC & DELICIOUS!!!!! It was very light and filling! My mom had the fried Tilapia with steamed broccoli and corn, and we all talked about that food from the time we left until now as I write this blog!!!! If you're in the area, you really need to visit Healthy Lifestyle Cuisine!!


Healthy Lifestyle Cuisine
1806 NW 183 St.
Miami Gardens, FL 33056

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tips for healthy living

  As we go into May I'd like to talk more about health and natural living. I am not a health professional. I am just a person who has done research to see what works for me. I hope that you all find this blog helpful and that you will incorporate these tips into your daily routine. I have gathered 4 tips for you to help get you and keep you on track.

Tip #1 Drink Water!!! Water is so important for the body inside and out. Water helps the liver and kidneys flush out nasty toxins so the body can function properly. Water helps with digestion, it allows the bowels to move to keep us from getting constipated. Water can  improve your mood. Water can also help with weightloss and clearing up your skin, experts say to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces. DRINK UP!!!!!!!

Tip#2 Cook from scratch: I know some are probably wondering if they read this correctly, yes you did. Cooking from scratch can be helpful not only for your health but also for your budget I'd say that's a win win. When it comes to cooking from scratch I think it's much healthier for you. You know exactly what it is you are putting into your food, you don't have to worry about high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, MSG, Sodium nitrates etc. Avoid over processed foods as much as you can, you will be glad you did.

Tip #3 Don't skip breakfast: I am guilty for this, I know I know. Eating breakfast can jump start your metabolism, help with weight loss, and help with brain development. If you do not want to eat a big breakfast eat a piece of fruit, yogurt, or a small serving of oatmeal with blueberries. Eating a healthy breakfast helps boost your energy so if you are tired all the time you may want to make sure you are eating a nutritious breakfast. Eating breakfast everyday will provide you with the proper vitamin and nutrient intake your body needs to get through the day.

Tip #4 Sleep,Sleep,Sleep: Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and much much more. In 2010 a study was done on women ages 50-79, it stated that more deaths occurred in women who got less than five hours or more than six and a half of sleep per night. Sleep affects the quality of life so let's strive to get more sleep. I know this may seem impossible to do especially if you have small children, a demanding job, or a hard time falling asleep  at night, but we must try to get the appropriate amount of sleep to be able to function and do these things. I'd like to try something this week, lets all try to go to bed an hour earlier to see how we feel. Can we do that? I KNOW we can!!!! 

This concludes our blog for tonight. Again I hope this was beneficial and I hope you all can incorporate these four tips into your daily routine. Thank you so much for reading. You all have a blessed night, and don't forget to eat your breakfast.

-Marquia Harmon

Monday, April 27, 2015



If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I recently purchased a "new" car, and I've put quite a few miles on it! Not only are those miles on my car, they are also on my body! What happens when an individual does tremendous amounts of driving and spends hours in their car? Fatigue, exhaustion, and poor eating habits. My body is still recovering, but these are things that I must do in order to succeed in life & business. With this realization, I have challenged myself to do more, better!

Productivity is very important. With all of the driving and movement that I have been doing, there are other things that I did not get done! I didn't manage my time effectively and it caused me to be less productive over the last 27 days than I should have been (but family comes first!). Since I use Google for so much, I decided to start using the Google Calendar to help me stay on task. IT IS FANTASTIC!! I can map out  my day/week on Saturday evening before bed, and I receive notifications on my cell phone and my tablet. I get more done now that I have active alerts. I still love the Passion Planner for long-term goal setting, but I need something to alert me when it's time to shift activities.

Health is equally important for on-the-go entrepreneurs! I know that I need to have healthy eating options available! Most grocery stores sell individual fruit & yogurt or veggie trays and personal salads. No, you can't eat salad while driving, but there are also wraps in the deli that you can pick up. If you go to Publix, you can have a few made before you hit the road. Keep a cooler in your car with your treats. If you ride alone like I usually do, keep a smaller cooler on your passenger seat within reach for easy "snackcess!"

Don't try to defeat the road!!! When you feel your muscles getting stiff, pull off into a rest area and stretch. That five minutes of rejuvenation will save you a lot of physical pain and potential money when you finally arrive! Also, make sure that your vitamin B and Iron levels are within the normal range before your trip. Low iron along with poor eating habits, and lack of adequate rest was the cause of my extreme fatigue. I missed an epic symposium because I was unable to drive the 2 hours to get there. I actually checked myself into a Best Western and didn't wake up for about 4 hours (best sleep ever)!

PROGRESS: I recognize my shortcomings and how dangerous they have been for my body. I realize that I can not accomplish anything or raise my son if I am not here. It is very important to manage time effectively and take care of your body. I am mapping out my weekly/monthly schedule in Google Calender to ensure that I am able to do what I need to do, and I can reschedule anything that is not an immediate concern. Lets all be more productive and healthy from here on out!


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You are blessed (Marquia Harmon)

   We often allow things to make us forget how blessed we are. I have had moments in my life where I felt I should have what someone else has. I have to remind myself that this is their blessing, and what God has for them is not for me. We are beyond blessed to even have woken up, and we allow just the littlest things to get in the way. I know I'm not the only one who has felt a certain way about my situation vs someone else's situation, so I want to leave something with you.

  When you feel down because Keisha down the street got a new car remember to thank God for what he has blessed you with thus far. It may not be your season right now but hold tight because when it comes it is going to be epic!!!!!! I know it can get aggravating watching and waiting, but in order for you to get to your blessing you have to go through the waiting process. Just know that God is going to bless you  just  be prepared for what is to come. I just wanted to leave this with you all. I hope you all have a good night. God bless you all.

~Marquia Harmon

Monday, April 20, 2015

GOOD BYE TAX SEASON: An Ode to Entrepreneurship


An Ode to Entrepreneurship

Every year, millions of Americans file their taxes. This year and last year I spent some time in the offices of H&R Block as an income tax professional, and I must say that it is very educational. I learn so much every year and discover exactly how much variation there is in this country.
Normally, I have W-2 income and rarely any schedule C income (self employment) unless I am doing my own. There is a HUGE lack of entrepreneurship where I currently live and at times it makes me feel out of place, but the interaction is what keeps me going back! Truck drivers, school teacher, security guards, and all the rest all have a very interesting story to tell, and taxes tells it all.
These people work hard for every dime that they receive from their wages, but many of them are living below their potential. There are so many people that I meet who are "just getting by" and ready for a change. They want to experience the thrill of being their own boss, but the fear of change holds so many people in place.
We are taught, trained, & conditioned to get an education and join the workforce. We are taught that when we work hard for others, it will pay off with a large paycheck, a big house, new car, and the perfect environment to raise our families, but today I challenge that thought! We are not meant to work all day every day until we die. Other nations have a much better view of work than we do (think siestas)! What if you could live the American dream on your own terms? I'M TELLING YOU THAT IT'S POSSIBLE!
This new opportunity that I have discovered has truly opened my eyes to the reality that I can live the life that I want without breaking my back on someone else's behalf. It has also taught me that I did not need to go to college, and if I had listened to my mother in high school, I would be $90,000+ lighter in the debt department! Network marketing companies are a great option for those seeking to make a change but are not sure how to start. I know when you hear "network marketing" you may automatically be turned off, but let me explain.
Anytime you make a major purchase, you verify it with others. That means you look at reviews, you ask the people currently in the neighborhood, or you may even consult your parents or other trusted advisors for their opinion. We do it daily, for free! There exist in this world a number of companies that utilize this network marketing framework to build relationships and income for the dedicated individuals who can see the vision and bring it to life.
I've been an entrepreneur since 2013, and there was no system in place when I started. However, with my current opportunity, there is a system in place, there is no monthly purchase requirement, and I can get the experience and education that I thought college would give me for a much lower cost!! The company I am referring to is People Helping People. This opportunity is exciting because I have a team, I have a system, and my team is AWESOME!! They are there when I need them, and I believe in the vision of the company! If you are interested in making a change, let me know. PHO may not be the change for you, but you can find the company that provides you just the change that you are looking for! I'M TELLING YOU THAT IT'S POSSIBLE!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Strong Woman

    This past Saturday I went to a natural living fair. It was so good to see so many people come together and share the things they are so passionate about. The connection everyone shared was amazing to me. I met this lady who makes reusable pads, baby wipes, and  paper towels. She has 7 children who also help with making these items.

   She began to share her story with me. Last year she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She didn't understand why she had gotten thyroid cancer. It came as a total shock to her. She lived off the grid, ate organic, and used 100% renewable solar energy. I felt so sad for her. Here she is a wife and a mother of seven children going through this. She has been through a lot this past year but she is so strong.

  Instead of going through cancer treatments she chose to treat it naturally. As of last week she is CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!! I tell you God is an AWESOME God and he deserves all the praise. Her testimony spoke to my heart. I was so glad  I went and was able to talk to her. I told her I would be praying for her and her family and I left feeling happy.

   I'm so glad  I was able  to experience such an awesome event I truly enjoyed myself. After the event the lady joined a facebook group I"m in and I had to let her know how awesome it was talking to her. Our health is so important if we are not healthy we can't function properly. Please continue to stay on top of your health and make good decisions not only for you but for your family. Thank you for reading be blessed.

~Marquia Harmon

Monday, April 13, 2015

Natural Hair Update

Prior to cut: front
Side view before cut

 Natural Hair Update 

1 week after cut
I CUT MY HAIR!!! On April 3rd I came home from a very long weekend at Children's Hospital and chopped off my hair. I put it in 6 tightly braided and detangled plaits and cut off all of the colored ends. My hair was in bad shape from general neglect, damage from the color, and super split ends. It was even breaking off where the color met the uncolored hair!!! I was trying to hold on to the length until I could get my hands on a Talavera Split Ender; however, the damage was constant, so I had to make a decision!

After cutting my hair, it felt AMAZING!!!! The strands are thicker/stronger, and it feels exceptionally soft and moisturized. I am pleased to report that my hair is thriving, and the virgin hair has been thriving with gusto!! I only use my products on my hair unless my mom brings some Shea Moisture home LOL I wash once with Castile soap or the Lush Bar followed by one wash with the Peppermint Mud Bar.

After the wash, I rinse thoroughly and moisturize my scalp with my Herbal Hair Oil and moisturize my strand with my Butter Creme Body Frosting. My hair loves this regimen!! I stopped using a comb in October of 2014, and it has given me a much more intimate understanding of my hair. I also deep condition and keep my hair in two strand twists (picture before the cut) throughout the week. I spray with water, detangle, and moisturize my twists once a week and wash on Fridays. This is what work FOR ME! If you are new to natural hair, you may need to try many different processes before you find the routine that works best for you. Remember, it's not just about how long your hair is. GOOD HAIR IS HEALTHY HAIR!!

To stay up-to-date with all things Blessed Body Brand and my natural hair journey, follow me on Facebook (Blessed Body Brand: All-natural Soaps and More, Twitter & Instagram (blessed_shanta), and on Pinterest ( Blessed Body Brand)!
