Sunday, November 8, 2015


Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that I'd allowed 3 months to pass by with out posting to my blog! What on Earth was I doing? Well, I'll let you know exactly what I was doing: building my knowledge of Finance! In the past three months, I've spent countless hours going back over what I learned in college and putting it with what I am experiencing in the field, and I have to say that I've learned so much since I became a licensed life, health, & annuities agent than I ever did in a classroom!

When I go out and talk to people, I get the opportunity to see real world scenarios (not the simplified examples that we get in textbooks!). I have the opportunity to see in real time what the stock market has done, is doing, and will do to the retirement plan for the working class (401(k)), and I see the inequality in financial services that the middle class and lower income Americans receive EVERY DAY!

The systems in place are being re-written by a select few companies, and I am thankful that I partnered with one of them! I'll be talking a lot more about finance and many of the different ways to make your financial goals a reality! STAY TUNED!


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