Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2016 already! 2015 was a blur, but so many amazing things happened! I gained a new family/business, my cousin survived a vicious put bull attack, my son turned 4, and I am becoming more and more the woman that I was designed to be!

This journey has not been without its lessons, so I want to share three important lessons that I am taking into 2016:

1) there are no shorcuts to success
  • consistency and persistency are key
  • plan, try, fail, repeat, SUCCESS
2) it's ok if people say "no"; everyone isn't meant to be a part of your business or our message
  • know your target audience and market to them
  • brand your business and stick to it
  • you have to sell yourself on your vision everyday; stay motivated so the rejections can be fuel
3) self-development is business management; you need to constantly improve for your business to improve
  • my challenge this year is to read 1 book per month (not very high, but last year...)
  • do a self inventory at least once a quarter to measure your growth
  • the better you develop and manage yourself, the easier it is to do it for your business

What are some lessons that you learned in 2015 that will make you even better in 2016?

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