When you know your market, you can choose the best pricing and marketing strategies to reach the most people while encouraging sales. Knowing your market will also keep you from getting caught up in fads, trends, or suggestions for new products or services
from well meaning family and friends. You will only create products and services that cater to your current and potential customers that will generate revenue for your business.
Refining your products can be a long journey, but if you define your niche before you begin it saves so much time and money later, trust me!
Always remember:
- You are IN BUSINESS to create relationships and revenue!
- Your time/products/services are not free, so limit the amount of freebies that you give away by only giving them to potential and established customers.
- Create products/services that you personally believe in!
- Know your products/services and what you have to offer to potential customers.
- KICK THE FEAR HABIT! Fear of failure will hold you back from reaching your success. You'll never know what you could have done or could have been if you had not started or tried.
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