Saturday, January 3, 2015

What will you do with your days?

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." ~Mark Twain


 I have seen this quote many times over the last several months. In the last two days, I've seen it at least 6 times! We are all on this rock for a reason, and living life with purpose is the best way to live! However, balance is the key to happiness! This brings me to today's topic: bucket lists. Once you have identified your purpose, work towards accomplishing it, but don't forget to enjoy the journey. Joi over at Peace Of My Love (Follow the link to view my inspiration for this post) recently wrote about her bucket list, and it truly made me think about what I want to do on this planet before my last day! Here's my current list (it could change at any moment)!!

  1. Travel to Ghana to see the local culture and how the old ways meet with the new ways.
  2. Assist in making Shea butter and black soap.
  3. Make real Castile soap in Italy.
  4. Take my son to a Day out with Thomas!
  5. Plan, schedule, and invite guests to my son's birthday party IN ADVANCE (sorry baby). This year he's turning four, so it's a must!!!
  6. Go on a cruise & walk about in a bikini.
  7. Be bikini ready at all times.
  8. Drive a race car.
  9. Learn French and Spanish Fluently.
  10. Run a 5K.
  11. Meet and marry the right man for me, think Teacake and Janie without the rabies.
  12. Have an outdoor lunch or dinner date.
  13. Yoga in India!
  14. Sing Karaoke without being terrified (I'm always nervous!).
  15. Write several bestselling books and a few moderately selling books (LOL).
  16. Run a majorly successful crowdsourcing campaign (coming soon).
  17. Be the "keynote" speaker in front of a large audience of other professional men and women as the authority of natural hair, natural personal care products (I shy away from the term "cosmetics" here), and business development in minority communities.
  18. Enjoy the ride.

Some of these items are FRIVOLOUS, and I have so much more that I could add!! Your list should be fun and forward. Don't do anything that could distract you from your purpose, but be sure to make it memorable! I encourage each of you to make a bucket list and add it in the comments below! Your list should evolve as you evolve, and as you accomplish an item replace it with a new one. Let's see those lists!

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