Monday, January 26, 2015

Prosperity Legacy,LLC on the Arise Network: Certifications, Clients & SOWs

Prosperity Legacy,LLC on the Arise Network: Certifications, Clients & SOWs

Congratulations! You have successful created your profile, passed the voice assessment & background check, completed your interview, and CSP 101! Now what? Now that you are certified, you can select a client opportunity. Opportunities will be listed on the portal. Once a class is filled, it will be removed from the portal. If you'd like to know how much an opportunity pays, contact your IBO and they will give you the information based on their revenue structure. For Prosperity Legacy, LLC, CSPs receive all bonuses offered by client and all wages minus the Prosperity Legacy fee of $10 or 5% each invoice period, whichever is higher as payment for our services to you. This amount is also subject to change without notice. This blog will be updated if that amount changes. Arise also charges a fee of $19.75 per invoice period once you are certified in a client course as payment for tech support services.

Certification courses are usually 4 weeks (some are longer/shorter based on client needs) and run 4 hrs per day Monday through Friday. There is usually a morning course (9-1 EST), an evening class (7-10 EST), and occasionally an afternoon class (2-6 EST). Select the course that fits your schedule best. Please be advised that all courses have a no absence policy. If you must miss a class for any reason, please contact your instructor first! Depending on your participation in the course and your progress on self-paced work, your instructor may be able to discuss waiving the missed course with the client. We all have emergencies, and they don't announce themselves! After contacting your instructor, please contact Prosperity Legacy for documentation purposes. Most certification courses are similar: instructor led portion, self paced homework, mock calls for certification, and a nesting period for call taking.

Once you complete your certification course and pass your certification and nesting phase, you will be awarded an initial Statement of Work (SOW) with the client that outlines your rights, responsibilities, and revenue. The initial SOW is usually 2-3 months, and clients are generally a little more forgiving during this time; however, once your contract is renewed, you will be held to the same standards as seasoned CSPs. Your SOW will outline how many hours the client expects you to work weekly and any weekend work requirements that they may have. For example, you may be required to work 20 hours a week including two hours on Saturday or Sunday. You can schedule those 20 hours however you'd like as long as you service 20 hours and two hours are on the weekend.

Each client also has other performance metrics that are tracked and your performance will be reviewed. While you are working from home and are in charge of your schedule, you are still a contractor for whichever client you select and of Prosperity Legacy, LLC. These metrics are discussed in your certification course as well as your Statement of Work (SOW) contract. Be sure to read and review your SOW once received as this is only a small portion of the information contained in your SOW. Have questions? Please e-mail your questions to with subject "More Info-Arise Blog."


Monday, January 19, 2015

Prosperity Legacy,LLC on the Arise Network: Is "Arise" a real company?

Prosperity Legacy,LLC on the Arise Network: Is "Arise" a real company?

I get this question a lot more than I thought I would! When introducing individuals to the work-from-home world, if they aren't entrepreneurial, they are a bit hesitant. When you tell them they have to pay for the opportunity before making any money, they are screeching to a halt and running for the exit! While it is true the Arise process does require an initial investment ($141-$300, except during specials). It is also true that that investment can and will be made back within the first few weeks of servicing your first contract. They also offer specials on the required CSP 101 course from time to time. Just stay tuned in to the Arise Virtual Solutions Facebook page and watch for the discounts to be posted! I've seen it offered for $5 (regularly $99)!!! Also, military men, women, and spouses can usually get this class for free!

Now that you know that this is a "real" company, let me tell you a little more. I started working with Arise in 2013 later went on to become my own IBO (Independent Business Owner). What this means is that I started as a CSP (Customer Service Professional) and promoted myself to the owner and "boss" of my own firm. Since this was something I was always interested in, it was as simple as filing LLC paperwork with my state and local offices & the IRS and filling out the required forms with Arise. If this is what you're interested in, we'll discuss forming an LLC in a different blog!

How to become a CSP:
  1. Visit Arise and create your profile. This step is free and takes literally 5 minutes.
  2. When you reach the question:Were you referred by an Independent Business or Current Client Support Professional, select Yes and enter my IBO ID (64377), and proceed to the next step. (If you are military do not follow this step. Select military in the "How did you hear about Arise drop down menu and proceed to the next step.)
  3. Complete the Voice Assessment. This assessment checks for diction and clarity in your voice as well as your listening skills.
  4. After the voice assessment, complete the background check. The background check is currently an out-of-pocket cost of $12.95 (price is subject to change without notice, and I will update th is blog to reflect any changes.)
  5. Once your background check is complete, you will need to complete the basic orientation course, CSP 101. This course is regularly $99. Any specials will be posted on the Arise Facebook page.
  6. Now that you've successfully set up your profile and passed all preliminary steps, it's time to select a client. Client courses range in price from $29-$179. Hours can range from 24/7 to 7am - 4 am EST. It really all depends on what your needs are. These are all real companies with real requirements that must be met in order to maintain your contract or statement of work with them (more on SOWs later).
  7. For a more in depth view of the set-up and getting started process, Arise has created a "How-to" guide that has all the information that you need. Just visit Start to Work from Home with Arise and take a look around.
It is your choice which IBO you'd like to work with. It is also my choice to decide which CSPs to work with. If you are interested in working with Prosperity Legacy, LLC, please send an email with the subject "More Info-Arise Blog" to for an initial interview. Complete your profile and get started! If during our meeting you do not feel that you are a good fit for this IBO, you can also visit the IBO Directory or search through IBOs on the portal after setting up your profile.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Customer Service Focus

Customer Service Focus

How often do you interact with a customer service professional (CSP)? Do you feel satisfied with the outcome? Do you feel like the company cares about you? Are you moved to continue to use their products/services?

I often interact with CSPs, and it is always an experience to remember (not always for the best reasons). Most recently, I attempted to order a textbook, and I keyed in my card number wrong (stumompreneur brain, oops!). I contacted the seller (BookWormUSA on AbeBooks), and they responded less than 24 hours later! They said, "Go ahead and place the order again, and we'll get it shipped to you asap." I placed a new order, and it was delivered to my door less than 72 hours later!!! I am still in awe! I made sure to e-mail them and tell them how pleased I am! I felt that they genuinely cared about their customers and were willing to go the extra mile just for me! I will DEFINITELY be ordering from them again next session!! Thank you Book Worm USA!

I was and still am very satisfied with the level of service that I received, and it really made me think about all the other customer service experiences that I have had. Not all experiences are this spectacular! As a CSP and business owner, I take great care in the way that I treat customers whether they are shopping with my company directly (Blessed Body Brand) or with a company that I represent. Here are my top 5 CSP practices to ensure that you always provide stellar customer service!

  1. Show empathy.
  2. Be prepared to listen.
  3. Be confident.
  4. Ask necessary questions.
  5. Follow protocol.
Using these 5 simple techniques can ensure that you always provide the best quality of customer service that you possible can!


Monday, January 5, 2015

My Personal Christmas Gift

My Personal Christmas Gift

I decided to treat myself to something unique and handmade this Christmas. I love and strongly believe in supporting small businesses as much as possible! I saw a post in one of my soaping groups that I frequent on Facebook, and I knew then what I wanted to buy: HANDSPUN COTTON WASHCLOTHS!!
I ordered these beauties from Bren Boone over at Snerb Yarn, and I am in love! THESE WASHCLOTHS ARE PHENOMENAL! They are sturdy and durable, and they are gentle on my skin. I have to select special washcloths (not the inexpensive colorful pack for $4) whenever I use traditional washcloths because they are generally VERY scratchy to me; however, I didn't have that experience with these washcloths. Combined with my handcrafted soaps, they don't strip my skin like traditional rags and soap, but I am still exfoliated. My skin looks and feels fabulous! Even though I've only had the washcloths for about a week, I know that I can attribute some of my skin success to these washcloths and my soap too! No more crocodile legs and grandma hands! You can visit her website, Snerb Yarn, to contact her about purchasing your handspun washcloths today, and as usual for all things Blessed Body Brand, you can visit our webstore! Be blessed!


Sunday, January 4, 2015


There are many ways to become a successful entrepreneur, but most would agree that there are a few keys that are universal. We'll take a look at two today 1) define your market 2) refine your products. It is very important once you make the decision to go into business that you know who you are going to be serving and what specific products you are offering.

When you know your market, you can choose the best pricing and marketing strategies to reach the most people while encouraging sales. Knowing your market will also keep you from getting caught up in fads, trends, or suggestions for new products or services
from well meaning family and friends. You will only create products and services that cater to your current and potential customers that will generate revenue for your business.

Refining your products can be a long journey, but if you define your niche before you begin it saves so much time and money later, trust me!

Always remember:
  1. You are IN BUSINESS to create relationships and revenue!
  2. Your time/products/services are not free, so limit the amount of freebies that you give away by only giving them to potential and established customers.
  3. Create products/services that you personally believe in!
  4. Know your products/services and what you have to offer to potential customers.
  5. KICK THE FEAR HABIT! Fear of failure will hold you back from reaching your success. You'll never know what you could have done or could have been if you had not started or tried.



Saturday, January 3, 2015

What will you do with your days?

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." ~Mark Twain


 I have seen this quote many times over the last several months. In the last two days, I've seen it at least 6 times! We are all on this rock for a reason, and living life with purpose is the best way to live! However, balance is the key to happiness! This brings me to today's topic: bucket lists. Once you have identified your purpose, work towards accomplishing it, but don't forget to enjoy the journey. Joi over at Peace Of My Love (Follow the link to view my inspiration for this post) recently wrote about her bucket list, and it truly made me think about what I want to do on this planet before my last day! Here's my current list (it could change at any moment)!!

  1. Travel to Ghana to see the local culture and how the old ways meet with the new ways.
  2. Assist in making Shea butter and black soap.
  3. Make real Castile soap in Italy.
  4. Take my son to a Day out with Thomas!
  5. Plan, schedule, and invite guests to my son's birthday party IN ADVANCE (sorry baby). This year he's turning four, so it's a must!!!
  6. Go on a cruise & walk about in a bikini.
  7. Be bikini ready at all times.
  8. Drive a race car.
  9. Learn French and Spanish Fluently.
  10. Run a 5K.
  11. Meet and marry the right man for me, think Teacake and Janie without the rabies.
  12. Have an outdoor lunch or dinner date.
  13. Yoga in India!
  14. Sing Karaoke without being terrified (I'm always nervous!).
  15. Write several bestselling books and a few moderately selling books (LOL).
  16. Run a majorly successful crowdsourcing campaign (coming soon).
  17. Be the "keynote" speaker in front of a large audience of other professional men and women as the authority of natural hair, natural personal care products (I shy away from the term "cosmetics" here), and business development in minority communities.
  18. Enjoy the ride.

Some of these items are FRIVOLOUS, and I have so much more that I could add!! Your list should be fun and forward. Don't do anything that could distract you from your purpose, but be sure to make it memorable! I encourage each of you to make a bucket list and add it in the comments below! Your list should evolve as you evolve, and as you accomplish an item replace it with a new one. Let's see those lists!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Are you thinking about starting a business in 2015?

Don't overthink it. Get ready to research! Start with the SBA website. Get familiar with the information and steps that are listed there. The website is MASSIVE! Take time to browse, read, and bookmark articles particular to your situation. There is so much information available to you for FREE! Also, get a few books geared to your intended industry. I purchased the Crafty Superstar by Grace Dobush (pictures below), and there is a newer updated version available now! Research tax laws in your county and state. Some states require you to file a Business Privilege and/or use Tax within 2.5 months of filing your business formation documents. When you start your business, you are considered a sole proprietorship and all income is personal income. You can elect to change your business status at any time to an LLC, partnership, or corporation by filing paperwork within your county/state, but be aware of the implicaions of changing your status. You will also need to file for a FEIN once your election changes.

It's also important to spend some time on the FDA website if you are going into the product industry like Blessed Body Brand. You need to know what you can and can not say on your labels, website, or in person regarding the efficacy of your finished goods. Insurance is important as you begin to sell, but I didn't make the investment until I was sure I was going to be able to sustain a business. The Indie Beauty Network is awesome, so I'm a member there!!! I have insurance through the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild because at the time they didn't offer just a membership, and I need their online storefront (a decision that I would gladly make again). I'm still working out of my kitchen, but I am looking to expand. Keep in mind the following information as you begin the process of starting your venture on the business side:
  1. Your business will direct your needs. Don't rent a storefront just yet!
  2. Focus your product offerings when you're just starting off.
  3. Know what is and is not allowed to be sold in your state. Some states are stricter than others when it comes to the personal care industry.
  4. As you grow and your customers begin to make requests, then you can expand, but to ensure you minimize startup debt, stay focused. I learned this the hard way!
  5. There's a lot of research involved.
  6.  KEEP A NOTEBOOK HANDY! I advise writing things down in a notebook if that helps you to retain information better. You may also create a Word or OneNote file with all of your findings and ideas. This will help keep you focused, motivated, and accountable.
There's s much more that I can say, but I'll save that for the next post. Happy venturing!
ISBN: 978-1440320378

ISBN: 978-1600613203

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year: 2015

WOW! I can't believe that 2014 is already done! It brings to mind the plans and goals I started it with. Have I accomplished what I set out to do? Did I get sidetracked? Was I successful? The answer for me: How can you tell? I always have a vision for my life. I have plenty of ideas, and plenty of dreams. However, the mistake that I have made nearly every year: not writing them down and holding myself accountable for reaching each goal/milestone! This year, I'M READY! This year I am equipped with a vision board and a MAP (master action plan)!

My vision board is a challenge for me to be bolder, to focus, to kick fear in the face, and stop chasing my dreams. The challenge this year is to CAPTURE MY VISIONS!!! You should join me! Take out paper and pen, go to the dollar tree and buy a foam poster board, and start making a list of what you want in your life. On your poster board, print or cut out pictures from a magazine of items that you want and paste them there. Start living on purpose with purpose. I learned that last lesson from a group of very wise women.

In my MAP, are all the things that I want for myself professionally: the direction that I want to take my businesses in. I have so many ideas that I will be executing this year! I am so excited to start the process of sharing each milestone with you!! This is phenomenal guys!!

Another lesson that I am learning: Make room in the physical realm for what is in store for you in the spiritual realm. Prepare your physical home to receive all the good that the Universe has in store for you. Stop blocking your growth! From this day forward, DO NOT HOLD YOURSELF BACK!! Reach out and grab everything that is in reserve for you! Make the decision that 2015 is the start of your greatest you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!