Prosperity Legacy,LLC on the Arise Network: Certifications, Clients & SOWs
Congratulations! You have successful created your profile, passed the voice assessment & background check, completed your interview, and CSP 101! Now what? Now that you are certified, you can select a client opportunity. Opportunities will be listed on the portal. Once a class is filled, it will be removed from the portal. If you'd like to know how much an opportunity pays, contact your IBO and they will give you the information based on their revenue structure. For Prosperity Legacy, LLC, CSPs receive all bonuses offered by client and all wages minus the Prosperity Legacy fee of $10 or 5% each invoice period, whichever is higher as payment for our services to you. This amount is also subject to change without notice. This blog will be updated if that amount changes. Arise also charges a fee of $19.75 per invoice period once you are certified in a client course as payment for tech support services.Certification courses are usually 4 weeks (some are longer/shorter based on client needs) and run 4 hrs per day Monday through Friday. There is usually a morning course (9-1 EST), an evening class (7-10 EST), and occasionally an afternoon class (2-6 EST). Select the course that fits your schedule best. Please be advised that all courses have a no absence policy. If you must miss a class for any reason, please contact your instructor first! Depending on your participation in the course and your progress on self-paced work, your instructor may be able to discuss waiving the missed course with the client. We all have emergencies, and they don't announce themselves! After contacting your instructor, please contact Prosperity Legacy for documentation purposes. Most certification courses are similar: instructor led portion, self paced homework, mock calls for certification, and a nesting period for call taking.
Once you complete your certification course and pass your certification and nesting phase, you will be awarded an initial Statement of Work (SOW) with the client that outlines your rights, responsibilities, and revenue. The initial SOW is usually 2-3 months, and clients are generally a little more forgiving during this time; however, once your contract is renewed, you will be held to the same standards as seasoned CSPs. Your SOW will outline how many hours the client expects you to work weekly and any weekend work requirements that they may have. For example, you may be required to work 20 hours a week including two hours on Saturday or Sunday. You can schedule those 20 hours however you'd like as long as you service 20 hours and two hours are on the weekend.
Each client also has other performance metrics that are tracked and your performance will be reviewed. While you are working from home and are in charge of your schedule, you are still a contractor for whichever client you select and of Prosperity Legacy, LLC. These metrics are discussed in your certification course as well as your Statement of Work (SOW) contract. Be sure to read and review your SOW once received as this is only a small portion of the information contained in your SOW. Have questions? Please e-mail your questions to with subject "More Info-Arise Blog."