Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I love to sprout! I love sprouting! OOOOOOWEEEEE! Ain't nothin' like it :)

But seriously, I truly enjoy sprouting, especially mung beans and lentils. I started sprouting earlier this year. My first sprouts were lentils. The process was very simple, and they sprouted without any effort. I started sprouting because I enjoy eating beans but they usually cause me a lot of discomfort.

I started some research on sprouting after I talked to my mail carrier, Jean the mean mail carrying Machine. He told me that sprouting beans unlocks their nutritional potential and it helps break down the enzymes that cause stomach discomfort and help make the beans easier to digest. I found out that Jean knew exactly what he was talking about.

The sprouted beans didn't cause me any discomfort and I found several recipes that I could use to help ease me into the raw food life. Sprouted Lentils and Mung beans can be eaten "raw," and they taste phenomenal!

How to sprout: I use a very simple technique for sprouting. I add the beans to the jar, soak 8-12 hours or overnight, rinse daily, and allow to "air dry" between rinses. I bought the jars in the picture from Hobby Lobby at 50% off and I got my cheese cloth from the Dollar Tree. I used gallon jugs of spring water or distilled water from Wal-Mart for rinsing and soaking the beans. These jars can hold up to 24 oz. When you start to sprout, remember SPROUTS GROW! Even though these jars are large, I only add 2 oz or 1/4 cup of beans, lentils, legumes etc to the jar.

I cover the lentils with water and soak 8-10 hours, rinse, and allow them to sit in an open are of my kitchen so that they do not get over heated and turn rancid during the sprouting process. I rinse them in clean, fresh water every day and watch the sprouts begin to grow. Since I'm contending with Alabama heat and humidity, my sprouts usually sprout within 48 hours of soaking! I follow the same process with black beans, kidney beans, red beans and other large beans; however, I soak them 12-24 hours. The rest of the process is the same. These are not special seeds or beans. I get them from my local Wal-Mart and Publix. Try your hand at sprouting, and tell me how you like it.

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