Saturday, October 18, 2014

Stumompreneurs Unite Part 2

Stumompreneurs (student, mother, entrepreneurs) are individuals who attend higher education institutions, run businesses, and raise a child or children simultaneously! We are a group of active and highly motivated individuals! As a stumompreneur time management is of the utmost importance (I know because I still struggle with it!!). We have to multitask and be able to do at least 3 things at once, but how can we manage to do all this highly important, life altering, necessary... STUFF! We must PRIORITIZE!

Yesterday we discussed the most important job of the stumompreneur, MOM. Today we will address the other two important facets of ourselves.

ENTREPRENEUR: Your business is your baby, and if it's a start-up... it's a newborn and requires constant care! Like a child, it takes several years to be able to stand up and pee on it's own and remember to lift the seat or wipe it off as it were. You have to be consistent here as well. Know your industry. Know who's prominent in your industry. Read about your industry. Talk about your industry. If you are a product creator, make some great products and market your products. If you offer services, tell the world and market you! Don't be cheap! You're in business to make an impact on the world and make money. This effort keeps you away from your family. That time can't be recovered, and it's expensive! Charge what you're worth and charge for your time. Knowing your industry will be a HUGE help here!

STUDENT: As a student striving for a post secondary or post baccalaureate degree, you have to be motivated and passionate about what you're studying! If you are studying an area that is directly related to your business or business goals, you are in the money! You can multitask and complete business and student assignments at the same time! Know your course schedule. I am attending Benedictine University online, and I know that the week begins on Monday. Initial discussion posts are due Wednesday. Written assignments are due on Sunday along with discussion responses. I also know at the beginning of each week how much reading, research, and studying that I need to do so that I can budget that time in as well.

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