Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wellness Spotlight: Exercise

Exercise and fitness are very important to living a healthy lifestyle. Along with good nutrition and hydration, exercise helps keep our bodies regulated and functioning at optimal capacity. No matter how busy you are, you NEED to make time to exercise. My favorite time of day to exercise is early morning outdoors. I get my phone, my armband carrier, and turn on Pandora. I workout for 20-30 minutes at a time or longer if I can. I also LOVE going to the gym. I can focus so much better there. It's also a great opportunity for motivation and inspiration (there's always someone in worse shape and better shape than you!).

My at home rotation is usually just aerobics: light jogging, stretching, yoga, push ups, pull ups (monkey bars on the playground are a great work out buddy), planks, squats, lots and ots of ab exercises, and anything else I can think of. When it's time to cool down, I use controlled breathing and mountain poses to bring m heart rate down slowly. It's such a great opportunity to think and soak in the inspiration. I always feel refreshed and motivated after a vigorous workout! I can take on the world!

Good reads...
The Benefits of Physical Activity by Harvard School of Public Health
Let's Move: America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids
The Obamas: First Couple of Fitness by Kathleen Doheny on WebMD

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