Wednesday, October 22, 2014

DIY: Almond Milk


I recently ventured into an exciting project: HOMEMADE ALMOND MILK!!! It was very exciting and it turned out delicious. I will outline the steps that I took to make my almond milk, but I can't guarantee a recipe because I didn't measure anything (SORRY!).
  1. Soak your almonds (cashews, walnuts, pecans, etc) 12 hours or over night.
  2. Strain and rinse the nuts.
  3. Add nuts to blender with just enough water to cover them and allow them a little room to float. Not too much water as it won't mix properly.
  4. Blend the mixture on high until all nuts are broken down and a fine meal is created.
  5. Fill blender with water, and mix again thoroughly.
  6. Add honey, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, or any spices here and mix again.
  7. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a mason jar or other container.
  8. Refrigerate and enjoy!! My mixture was good for about a week, but I recommend drinking within 3-4 days. It will separate, so you will need to shake it to incorporate before use.
  9. Save that almond or nut meal and add it to pancakes, muffins, breads, smoothies, etc. It's a great source of protein!
Give it a try! You'll love it!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wellness Spotlight: Exercise

Exercise and fitness are very important to living a healthy lifestyle. Along with good nutrition and hydration, exercise helps keep our bodies regulated and functioning at optimal capacity. No matter how busy you are, you NEED to make time to exercise. My favorite time of day to exercise is early morning outdoors. I get my phone, my armband carrier, and turn on Pandora. I workout for 20-30 minutes at a time or longer if I can. I also LOVE going to the gym. I can focus so much better there. It's also a great opportunity for motivation and inspiration (there's always someone in worse shape and better shape than you!).

My at home rotation is usually just aerobics: light jogging, stretching, yoga, push ups, pull ups (monkey bars on the playground are a great work out buddy), planks, squats, lots and ots of ab exercises, and anything else I can think of. When it's time to cool down, I use controlled breathing and mountain poses to bring m heart rate down slowly. It's such a great opportunity to think and soak in the inspiration. I always feel refreshed and motivated after a vigorous workout! I can take on the world!

Good reads...
The Benefits of Physical Activity by Harvard School of Public Health
Let's Move: America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids
The Obamas: First Couple of Fitness by Kathleen Doheny on WebMD

Monday, October 20, 2014

Education: MBA Entrepreneurship and Managing Innovation

On March 4th, I started my MBA program with Benedictine University online. There were several reasons that I chose this concentration, but most importantly I chose this option because I want a formal education on entrepreneurship. I started with the basics, of course, but I was finally able to take one of my concentration courses in entrepreneurship. I am very excited! The course sessions are 8 weeks long and run consecutively minus a short break for winter and summer.

Here's an excerpt from the Entrepreneurship course syllabus:

Course Description
This course deals with new venture management, examining entrepreneurial personalities, managing creativity, and establishing a successful enterprise.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, each student will be able to:
  • Develop an understanding of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process.
  • Assess the feasibility of new business concepts and ideas.
  • Explain and analyze new business venture management principles including opportunity recognition, market assessment, and financial planning.
  • Formulate a plan to identify resources and skills needed to grow a new venture business.
  • Analyze various exit strategies for new business ventures.
  • Create business plans for development and financing of new business ventures.
The weekly discussion posts were a great way to help me see other opinions and expand my thinking on the various subjects while the written assignments gave great opportunities for constructive feedback to help me improve my thoughts and processes. We also had a group project in this course. We chose to focus on developing a mobile app to search for lowest price textbooks and supplemental materials for graduate and undergraduate students. That was a challenge for me as I have no experience in mobile app development. However, it was a challenge that I now appreciate. We were also encouraged to create a business plan of our own or tweak an existing business plan, and this is what I will be working on continuously.

My next course started today, and I am very excited! This new course focuses on technology and innovation in business!! I am enjoying the learning platform and my instructors & classmates are amazing! Education is power!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blessed Body Brand: About Us

Blessed Body Brand is the daughter company of Prosperity Legacy, LLC. Blessed Body Brand started April 3, 2013. We are a small batch, handcrafted, all-natural personal care products company that started in 2013 offering three products: Unrefined Shea butter, Virgin Organic Coconut oil, and lip balm. We still offer these products, but we've expanded! Now we also offer soap and whipped body butters. Some of our mos recent soapy adventures include beer soap (crafted with Guiness Extra Stout), Castile (100% Olive Oil), Coconut Oil (100% Virgin Organic Coconut oil or Refined Coconut oil), Shea Butter Lush bar (made with 70% Shea and Shea nut oil with fresh cucumber and aloe vera gel), coffee soaps, and more!! Whipped body butters will be sold scented and unscented. Stop by our online store or visit our vendor cabinet at the Sunshine This & That shop at 2212 Ross Clark Circle Suite 3. It is our goal to craft high quality products for the entire family! We'll be sharing more information about us, tips and tricks & trials and triumphs for the entrepreneur! Stay tuned as we take you deep inside the lab with an in depth look at Blessed Body Brand and Prosperity Legacy, LLC!!

100% Coconut Oil Soap
Sunshine This and That Shop
Whipped Shea Butter (Yellow)

Bedtime Bliss (100% Olive Oil)

Whipped Shea Butter (Ivory)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Stumompreneurs Unite Part 2

Stumompreneurs (student, mother, entrepreneurs) are individuals who attend higher education institutions, run businesses, and raise a child or children simultaneously! We are a group of active and highly motivated individuals! As a stumompreneur time management is of the utmost importance (I know because I still struggle with it!!). We have to multitask and be able to do at least 3 things at once, but how can we manage to do all this highly important, life altering, necessary... STUFF! We must PRIORITIZE!

Yesterday we discussed the most important job of the stumompreneur, MOM. Today we will address the other two important facets of ourselves.

ENTREPRENEUR: Your business is your baby, and if it's a start-up... it's a newborn and requires constant care! Like a child, it takes several years to be able to stand up and pee on it's own and remember to lift the seat or wipe it off as it were. You have to be consistent here as well. Know your industry. Know who's prominent in your industry. Read about your industry. Talk about your industry. If you are a product creator, make some great products and market your products. If you offer services, tell the world and market you! Don't be cheap! You're in business to make an impact on the world and make money. This effort keeps you away from your family. That time can't be recovered, and it's expensive! Charge what you're worth and charge for your time. Knowing your industry will be a HUGE help here!

STUDENT: As a student striving for a post secondary or post baccalaureate degree, you have to be motivated and passionate about what you're studying! If you are studying an area that is directly related to your business or business goals, you are in the money! You can multitask and complete business and student assignments at the same time! Know your course schedule. I am attending Benedictine University online, and I know that the week begins on Monday. Initial discussion posts are due Wednesday. Written assignments are due on Sunday along with discussion responses. I also know at the beginning of each week how much reading, research, and studying that I need to do so that I can budget that time in as well.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Stumompreneurs Unite Part 1

Stumompreneurs (student, mother, entrepreneurs) are individuals who attend higher education institutions, run businesses, and raise a child or children simultaneously! We are a group of active and highly motivated individuals! As a stumompreneur time management is of the utmost importance (I know because I still struggle with it!!). We have to multitask and be able to do at least 3 things at once, but how can we manage to do all this highly important, life altering, necessary... STUFF! We must PRIORITIZE!

MOM: Our first priority is to family: our children, our spouses, and ourselves! Individuals outside of your household are not included into this category for consideration. Set a schedule. I know, it is so cliche and darn near impossible, but it will save you a lot of time and tension! I have a three-year-old son and a four-year-old niece. They are both currently home-schooled, so scheduling is of the essence! Be consistent with your schedule. Know what activities are coming up and make them a regular part of your week/month so that your schedule is not derailed. This includes Barnes & Noble story time, library outings, days at the park/zoo/gardens, whatever you want to do with your children.

Do not neglect spending quality time with your husband/wife!! This is not just about sex, although in marriage this area should not be left unattended without cause. Do things with your spouse: talk to each other with everything turned off, hold hands, kiss, do things that remind you why you fell in love with each other (especially if that includes watching anime and playing Sonic on Sega Genesis!!). Set a schedule for this. Scheduling does not make you a bad mother/wife! It makes you a superhero!

Spend time with your entire family as well. Children need to see mom and dad interacting happily with love and care! Again, turn off the world and enjoy each other. Most importantly, DO NOT NEGLECT YOURSELF! Self-care is the only way to stay sane and keep moving! Soak in the tub while your husband watches the kids, read a book, paint your nails, eat snacks ALONE, exercise, play music and dance around (my favorite), do absolutely nothing while the house is quiet at nap time, and most importantly CLEANING UP DOES NOT COUNT AS SELF-CARE! Do something exclusively for you!

Friends and other relatives are very important, but not more important than your family. After all, they are the reason you have this title and chose to do the work that you do. Stay tuned for part 2 where discuss our titles of student and entrepreneur.

Domestic Violence Awareness: Decision Making

Yesterday, I talked about rules for setting goals.Today we will discuss the decision making process. Because of the psychological, emotional, and other negative impacts of domestic, survivors often need help to become self-sufficient and confident in their ability to make the right decisions for their lives and their children's lives. Given the right tools and mindset, survivors can live full, happy, healthy lives! One thing to remember in deciding about your future is that you are in charge of the decisions to be made. There is nothing wrong with seeking advice and information from others, but the final decision must be made by you! Listed below are steps in the decision making process that will help you find confidence in making your own life decisions.

The Decision Making Process
  1. Define the decision to be made; define the problem and set the foal.
  2. Gather relevant information; ask for expert advice.
  3. Evaluate the information; list possible solutions.
  4. Look at the consequences of each.
  5. Weigh the pros and cons of two or three possible solutions.
  6. Choose a possible solution.
  7. Take action on your choice.
  8. Evaluate progress and review the process.
Start using this process everyday. You already do this on a smaller scale. For example: I'm hungry. There's food in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. I could eat a salad and drink some water or chips and a soda. I've been working out lately, and my body will be happier with that salad. I prefer not to feel guilty after I eat. I'm going to have a salad. You make the salad and eat it. You feel full and your body is happy. By the way, I make giant salads with lots of toppings. I'm not a lettuce and dressing kinda gal!) You can do this! You can make important decisions and be in control of your own life and happiness.

While this post is geared towards domestic violence survivors, it is a great list for entrepreneurs and business persons to utilize as well. Having an active formalized process for making decisions that help you reach your goals is critical to success in life and business! Once again d                              on't be surprised if you see this list again in a different context! If you are in a domestic violence situation, you DO NOT have to stay. There is help no matter what your situation is. Please dial 211 and someone will be able to get you and any children involved to the resources that you need to get out safely. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Domestic Violence Awareness: Rules for Goal Setting

Rules for Goal Setting

  1. Goals must be written. Plans to do anything are seldom carried out unless they are written down.
  2. Goals must be specific. Goals that are generalized are difficult to deal with.
  3. Goals must be positive. Anything that is not stated in a positive manner will not carry accomplishment with it.
  4. Goals must be personal. You can only make a goal that is something for yourself.
  5. Goals must be realistic. A goal that is only wishful thinking is not realistic.
  6. Goals must be worthwhile. A goal can only be something you are willing to work toward.
  7. Goals must be measurable. You should be able to measure how you are doing and when you get there.
  8. Goals must have a target date. You must give a date for the completion of your goals and dates that you will check on your progress toward that goal. A specific date reminds you that it must be done by then, therefore motivating you to action.
During my time in the shelter, one of the assignments that they give us was to set goals for ourselves. Setting individual goals is the first step to independence and taking back control of your life. For some women, the goals were small (unenroll children in current school, enroll in new school by Wednesday), and for others, the goals were much larger (purchase a used, reliable Toyota Camry and find a job by Next month on the 15th). No matter the size or importance of these goals to others, this exercise was extremely important to help rebuild self-confidence and to instill in domestic violence violence survivors a sense of control over their lives.

While this post is geared towards survivors of domestic abuse, these are also great rules for entrepreneurs and businessmen/women. Don't be surprised if you see this list again in a different context! If you are in a domestic violence situation, you DO NOT have to stay. There is help no matter what your situation is. Please dial 211 and someone will be able to get you and any children involved to the resources that you need to get out safely

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blessed Body Brand: Whipped Shea Butter

Ivory Shea butter

Yellow Shea butter

Today, I reached a major milestone and achieved a great accomplishment: I made not one, but two soft, fluffy, whipped SHEA BUTTERS!!! You see, I've been attempting to make whipped Shea butter for over a year! They were all unsuccessful attempts: too hard once cooled, grainy when cooled, too oily, not enough oil, any possible thing that could be wrong was wrong, and I'd use those butters until they were gone (no matter how oily I was LOL). That was a very expensive, very trying process! I decided to share what I've learned during my expensive and arduous process of learning to make whipped Shea butter.

Things you need to make whipped Shea butter:
  • hand held mixer or stand mixer
  • Shea butter (I'm not even going to touch on the great Shea debate! Use whichever butter you like.)
  • oils of your choice
  • pot of hot water or double boiler
  • silicone spatula
The general rule for a successful whipped butter is 60-75% hard oil or butter and 40-25% liquid oils. You will need to add all of the oils and butter to a glass or metal bowl or the top pot of a double boiler. Put the pot of water on the stove and let it come to a rolling boil. Once the water is boiling, turn the stove off, add the pot/bowl of oils to the top of the pot of water. Stir as needed to encourage a faster melting process. Once the Shea butter is nearly melted (only a few small clumps left) remove from heat and stir until Shea is completely melted. Once melted, place mixture into the freezer. Allow to cool. DO NOT LET IT FREEZE!!

Once the butter mixture is cooled has gelled around the edges and in the center remove from the freezer and prepare to whip! Scrape the sides of the bowl to loosen the cooled Shea so that you don't end up with bits of Shea butter that are not whipped. (It doesn't affect the consistency or quality of the rest of the batch. It's more for aesthetics.) Get your stand mixer or handheld mixer and beat on high for 5 minutes. Turn the bowl and rotate the mixer in one direction only, ONE DIRECTION! I tend to go counter clockwise with the bowl and clockwise with the mixer (It'll make sense when you're doing it). After 5 minutes, check the consistency. If it is light and fluffy KUDOS!! Add essential oils and whip it again on high for 5 minute intervals until it is the consistency and volume that you'd like use a silicone spatula to slowly fold in the essential oils. You want to try and keep the air in the butter and keep the consistency creamy during this process. If it is as hard as a brick products begins to settle and does not have a creamy consistency, have no fear! At this point, add more of the lightest oil with the longest shelf life in your recipe to the butter batter and mix until incorporated. Repeat as necessary to achieve a soft, light whipped butter. Be careful not to "overmix" the batter. Scoop, pour, or pipe into jars and enjoy!

I used this recipe for the Ivory Shea pictured above.

Whipped Shea Butter for Hair
5 oz Ivory Shea butter
0.42 oz Hemp Oil
3 oz Sunflower oil
5 drops Peppermint essential oil
10 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Orange essential oil

Domestic Violence Awareness: Stages in a Battered Woman's (Man's) Experience

Stages in a Battered Woman's (Man's) Experience

At the point of crisis (immediately following an incident of abuse, could be other than physical), common reactions of victims are that they may:
  1. Deny the assault or make it seem less than it was.
  2. Blame themselves, at least in part - and think "If I caused it, I can stop it."
  3. Seek help.
  4. Feel ambivalent, thinking the incident does not really matter and has no effect on life.
I was in denial. When I arrived at the shelter and saw other women and heard their stories, it made me feel a bit ambivalent because I wasn't in the same shape as these other women. Then it hit me: We are here for the same reason, and I broke down and cried. Over time and with group therapy sessions, I came to realize that abuse takes on many forms including emotional, mental, financial, sexual, and of course physical.

In the days and weeks following the incident, the victim may:
  1. Continue going in and out of the violent relationship believeing it was just a one-time incident and believe the abuser when he/she says they will never do it again.
  2. Attempt to use counseling or therapy to maintain the relationship and make it nonviolent.
  3. Return to the relationship without any improvement.
I didn't struggle with the thought of taking him back and trying to make things work until months later, and by then I was aware that although it was familiar, it wasn't healthy. I haven't been back. When our son talks about his family or tells me that he misses his "dada" it makes me feel a bit of disappointment in myself that I didn't give him that stability in his life, but again we're both healthier and happier than we would have been if I had kept us in that situation.

The victim may decide on his/her own or with therapy to:
  1. Leave the relationship because that is the only way to live nonviolently.
  2. Maintain the relationship nonviolently because they now have the skills to do so.
  3. Return to the relationship without any improvements.
I decided to leave and to stay away! It was a critical decision in my efforts to move forward with my life. If other options work for other people, that's wonderful, but I have accepted that our relationship has run its course and we are not going to have that storybook ending that we were hoping for way back in 2007!

If you or someone you love are in an abusive relationship, please understand that this is a tough situation to get out of. The psychological ties and "bondage" are real. Studies have shown that on average it takes 5-7 attempts for victims to leave for good! I packed up 3 times before I finally left. If you are in a domestic violence situation, you DO NOT have to stay. There is help no matter what your situation is. Please dial 211 and someone will be able to get you and any children involved to the resources that you need to get out safely. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Jamaican Stewed Peas & Fish and Dumplings, My Version

Tonight I experimented with a Jamaican recipe for Stewed Peas and Fish. I used Sprouted black beans and Haddock for this recipe, and it turned out DELICIOUS! I feel like a fat cat lying in the window! Cooking is one of my passions, and I love experimenting with different foods and cultures. It is one of my favorite creative outlets. I rarely cook with a recipe, but I'll try to give you approximate measurements below.

Stewed Sprouted Black Beans w/Haddock
14 oz Haddock filet (frozen)
13 oz Coconut milk (canned, only coconut milk and water)
8 oz by weight sprouted Black Beans
half a large green bell pepper (chopped)
1 small red (purple) onion (chopped)
3 small cloves garlic (minced)
16 oz vegetable stock (unsalted)
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs thyme
.5 tsp red pepper flakes
.5 tbs garlic powder
salt to taste

.5 cup flour
.25 tsp salt
.25 cup water (add more as necessary)

In a medium sized cast iron dutch oven (or any dutch oven or deep pot), sautee onion, garlic, and bell pepper until translucent. Chop frozen fish into chunks and add to pot. Add beans. Add thyme, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes. Stir well. Add coconut milk and vegetable stock. Simmer for 2-2.5 hours. Add stock as needed to keep from scorching! During the last 45 minutes of cook, make the dumplings. To make the dumplings, combine flour and salt into a bowl and add water until a soft ball of dough forms. Pinch small balls of dough and roll into inch long dumplings. Drop into pot. Cook 25-30 minutes. Serve over rice with your choice of vegetables. Next time I make this recipe, I'll try to take measurements. Enjoy :)

Domestic Violence Awareness: Your Assertiveness Rights

Your Assertiveness Rights
  1. You have the right not to be abused.
  2. You have the right to be angry over past abuse.
  3. You have the right to choose to change the situation.
  4. You have the right to be free from fear of abuse.
  5. You have the right to request and expect assistance from police and social service agencies.
  6. You have the right to share your feelings and not be isolated from others.
  7. You have the right to to be treated like an adult.
  8. You have the right to leave an abusive environment.
  9. You have the right to privacy.
  10. You have the right to express your own thoughts and feelings
  11. You have the right to develop your own individual talents and abilities.
  12. You have the right to legally prosecute the partner who is abusing you.
  13. You have the right not to be perfect.
Last year, I took a critical step in my personal life by ending a toxic and oftentimes abusive relationship. I had no money. I was working 20 hours a week on work-study. My car was on it's last leg. I felt like I had no one and nowhere to go. I made a phone call after the last encounter. I packed my things, and I left. My car was filled to the brim from the trunk to the passengers seat except for the space where my son's car seat was sitting. After I made the trip to pick my son up, I went to the thrift shop to pick up some professional attire (I had a job interview the next day). Then I headed to the shelter.

I was devastated. I was confused, and I was hurt. I felt that I was doing almost everything right in life and in my relationship! How could I have ended up here?!?! I made the decision to leave him and keep moving forward with my life. I went to that job interview with confidence. I didn't get the job, but I was proud of myself for continuing to live despite my emotional state. I finished my last summer semester of undergrad, and I came back to my hometown. My car died on me about 3 months after I arrived. I graduated in December 2013 with my Bachelor of Science of Finance!

Take a look at the list above. These are our rights as human beings. These are things that should not be compromised for "love," but so often they are. I deprived myself of myself for so long that I had all but shriveled up and died inside. I didn't do anything that I liked to do because his demands and insecurities were deemed greater. I never went out and experienced undergrad life on campus. I didn't do any of the things normal coeds do. There was very little of me left except for a small spark. When I left him, when I made the decision that I and my child were worth more, the spark became a small flame. The more I move forward in my life, the more the flame grows. Never let another person's wants, needs, or demands snub you out. A relationship should not strip either party of their joy.

Take charge of your life. Utilize your assertiveness rights. Don't stand for abuse. You deserve to live life freely and fully. If you are in a domestic violence situation, you DO NOT have to stay. There is help no matter what your situation is. Please dial 211 and someone will be able to get you and any children involved to the resources that you need to get out safely. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

What is LOVE?

A poor image of ourselves attracts predators. Learn to love yourself fully before you look for someone else to. Also, is it really fair to ask someone to love you when you don't even love yourself? Food for thought. ~Richard Lawrence of Young, Black, and Married

October is Domestic Violence awareness month, and I would like to take a few blogs to discuss this matter with you all. While browsing on Facebook, I came across a few things. This picture to the left and this quote above.

Princess Jasmine and Aladdin are a beautiful couple. He fought valiantly to obtain her hand in marriage. She was a sassy, outspoken woman with a will and opinion of her own. What if after the wedding and a few months of "loving" each other, Aladdin's insecurities began to unravel? What if this happened to Princess Jasmine? It does everyday. Every day, women are abused and assaulted in their homes by Prince Aladdin. Nobody ever expects such behavior from him, after all look at how hard he worked to woo her and win her heart. Surely he would never hurt her! Maybe all of her outspokenness and passion were her insecurities fighting their way to the surface as well.

As Richard stated, A poor image of ourselves attracts predators. Learn to love yourself fully before you look for someone else to. No, it is never the victims fault that they are being abused. It is important to know how you view yourself and how you are perceived while you are dating. Narcissists will not attempt to attach themselves to a person that they can not manipulate.

After you've lived through this experience once, it is easy to fall back into negative relationship patterns if you are not vigilant. Richard says it best, it really fair to ask someone to love you when you don't even love yourself? Food for thought. Take time to heal and rebuild. Being single and happy is very possible. Loving yourself again is very possible. Don't allow anyone to teach you how to love yourself especially if it is detrimental to your overall health and well being. You should love yourself so much that you don't allow anyone to trample on you again. Be selective about who you allow into your life. If you or someone that you know are being abused and you are ready to get out, please leave and get to a safe location and reach out to your local domestic violence shelter for counseling and assistance. If you do not know how to locate these services, dial 211 for assistance. If you are in a domestic violence situation and you have no family in the area, please dial 211 and someone will be able to get you to the resources that you need to get out safely.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fish! Catch the Energy & Release the Potential

On a recent trip to my local Rescue Mission thrift shop, I visited the book section in search of some golden goodies! My son, who is very... adventurous, wandered ahead of me trailing behind his Nana and picked up a book with a fish on the cover. He had to show it to me and to Nana. He thought that it was a book for him, but God used my little adventurer to lead me to this book! The idea behind the book is quite simple: If people love what they do, they will do it well & this is how. I decided that at $1, this book couldn't be a bad investment. Today, I was able to make my $1 investment count. I read the book in about an hour and a half with several interruptions.

There are four main principles to understand to make the workplace work.
  • Choose a positive attitude
  • Play
  • Be present
  • Make their day
The first principle can seem the most difficult for some people; however, when we choose our attitude, we create our own success. When we don't choose our attitude or we are reactive to what happens around us, we choose not to be in control of our success. Joyce Meyer calls this the "Battlefield of the Mind" and she has extensive teachings o the subject as well.

The second principle is something that is somewhat difficult for mos adults. We are taught to grow up and act like mature adults. This implies walking around in gray suits and driving gray cars and living a gray life fr most people. This takes a lot of the fun out of our lives. Since we can spend 40 hours or more working in this environment it can cause us to have a deficit in energy and enthusiasm for the work that we do. In the book Fish!, they discussed the importance of play at the Pike Place Fish Market. The workers there created a fun and playful environment where they sold fish and made memories by playing lively interactive fish games with the crowd (you gotta read the book). These games not only made the work fun, but more enjoyable for the employees.

Be present is the third principle. This is a tough one as well. Being present means being unavailable for certain things in order to make the most of other things, such as family. Set a time and place for working. At the close of business, close the business side of your life and choose to be present with your family and loved ones. Don't be too pressed to work all the time. Providing for your family is not more important than the time you spend with them. The last thing that we want is for our careers to provide more for our families than we do. DO NOT WORK AT THE RISK OF RELATIONSHIPS! Family time is more important than anything else. Nurture these relationships first.

Finally is the principle of making their day. This principle is simply the act of making yourself memorable to your customers, making memories with your family, and creating experiences that create a longing for another interaction with you or your company.

For me, the first and third principles are difficult. I have the attitude battle within myself everyday! I choose to stunt my growth every time I choose not to think positively and plan positively. Being present is also difficult for me as a single working mother. I have the full responsibility of providing for, teaching, nurturing, grooming, and the overall development of myself, my child, and my business. There is no one else to do it for me the way that I want it done.

I can ask my family and friends (a blog of a different title), but I seldom do. In fact, I take on all of these responsibilities myself. This lack of delegation makes me a little bit absentminded, exhausted, and ultimately busy all the time! I do not like it. I genuinely need to do a better job of sticking to my business hours and spend more time being present in my home and in my son's life and developing our relationship. He'll only be my baby boy for a few more years, and I want to maximize this time!

If you have read this blog and you are an entrepreneur, let me tell you simply why this book and these principles apply to us. We are the workplace. We are the energy. We are the problem and the solution. When you take on the responsibility of business ownership, your business takes on the tone that you set for it and the personality that you give it. You are the only entity that can create a change in your company. For a more in depth view of these four topics and to see how they were implemented to turn a "toxic energy dump" into the most coveted department of "First Guarantee Financial", pick up the book and read it!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Sea Gull or the Lion Cub?

Disney movies are some of my favorite films of all time! I love the complex simplicity of the characters and how each movie leaves you with a very important image of life and a lesson to boot! Recently, I've been thinking about leadership and knowledge. In the movie The Little Mermaid, Ariel was told a whole lot of misinformation about life on the surface! This info made her look ridiculous when she finally became a human, such as a fork is called a dingle hopper and that it is used to comb the hair! How embarrassing was that!

Let's not forget young Simba in the Lion King who was so thoroughly terrified by the things he thought he did that he couldn't begin to think about taking his place in the animal kingdom as the Lion King. He ran away from the responsibility of his lineage up until the moment he found out that he was not the cause of his father's death. These two characters and others represent two very important principles in Entrepreneurship: knowledge and timing.

  1. Know that you know what you're talking about. With the prevalence of the internet, it is easy to share and receive information. Any individual can create a platform and start "sharing knowledge" on just about any subject but not all are correct. You should be well read and current on issues in your field/industry so that your information is true and accurate. You don't have to wait until you feel like an expert to start your business. You just need to have verifiable, accurate data. There are so many resources available once you make that initial step, and you will always fail every opportunity that you don't take. Don't be a sea gull!
  2. Don't waste time. Wasting time in business is like not healthy. You can accomplish something, but not much and not usually of quality. Also, you can cause yourself delays and unnecessary hardships when you put off doing things that need to be done like calling customers, responding to e-mails, making products, or marketing. You have a vision and a reason for being in business. Don't let your moment pass you by. Conditions are rarely ever perfect for starting a business, but you should never let your personal fears or inadequacies stop you. You have something great to offer the world if you just believe in yourself enough. Take the time to believe in yourself or no one else will.

Friday, October 10, 2014

My Natural Hair Journey: Deep Conditioning Protein Treatment


I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:

I have goals and ambitions for my hair just like I do in every other area of my life, so I'm learning what it takes to reach these goals and maintain them. My current hair goals are to strengthen & retain length and achieve bra-strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I've been natural for over 10 years, but my hair has never been longer than my collarbone/shoulders (except my post-partum  hair). This "lack" of growth is not relevant to my hair's growth rate at all. In fact, my hair grows very quickly. Actually my lack of apparent hair growth is due to my retention levels and my inconsistencies including inconsistent protective styling, inconsistent diet, and inconsistent exercise levels. Let's not even begin to discuss my stress levels... PHEW!!. All of these things and more work together to grow longer, stronger, healthier hair, and all or most of these things have been working against me.

Now that my life is in a different place and I can focus more on me, I am making a point to devote more time to my self care and maintenance. I am also a part of the Hair Luv community where I receive encouragement and great tips and tricks on how to grow my hair longer, stronger, and healthier!

Today, I washed, deep conditioned/protein treated, finger detangled, and moisturized my hair. I used my liquefied black soap as shampoo and I created my own deep conditioning yogurt protein treatment (recipe below). Followed by my hair and scalp oil and whipped Shea butter (Shea butter, hemp oil, sunflower oil). My hair is supple, moist, and silky! I then separated my hair into four equal sections and twisted each section of my hair into four two-strand twists. It feels so great! My hair is in love! This was the first time I'd ever finger detangled successfully, and I loved it. No combs for the next 90 days! I will definitely be sticking to this routine!

Deep Conditioning Yogurt Protein Treatment
1 cup (8 oz) plain yogurt (shown in the picture)
1 tsp honey (I had Fischer's Raw Honey on hand)
1/8 cup (1 oz - 1.5 oz) Avocado oil
15 drops Lemon essential oil
8 drops Rosemary essential oil

This recipe is not exact; however, this is my base. You can adjust this recipe as needed for your hair. My hair and scalp loved this entire regimen, so I will definitely be sticking to it! For additional benefits and an even better scent, try peppermint, lavender, ylang ylang, or clary sage essential oils. Please research safe usage rates and usage recommendations before using any essential oil as some essential oils are not safe fro pregnant women and others.

I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:

I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:

I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:

I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:

I would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at:
would like to be bra strap length by February 2015 and midback length by December 2015. I typically braid my hair, twist it, or wear it out. - See more at: